For the first time since 2019, Camp HOPE – Oregon was able to host overnight camp and the Pathways to HOPE...
It was a full agenda for this year’s long session in Salem. CWS continues to be at the seat of many...
This summer Camp HOPE America – Oregon created a vibrant, connected community for 45 young campers! We were excited to offer...
As we reflect on all that’s happened this year, we can’t help but be impressed with all that our staff and...
Yesterday evening, alongside many partnering social service providers, CWS staff advocated for the passage of LC 18 (legislative concept 18)...
Clackamas County Children need reliable and sustainable help and support. Just last year, over 2,000 children were reported to have...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 CONTACT: Brenda Kinoshita, (503) 557-5820, Statement of Melissa Erlbaum, Executive Director at Clackamas Women’s Services, On...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, March 12, 2020 CONTACT: Brenda Kinoshita, (503) 557-5820, Statement of Melissa Erlbaum, Executive Director at Clackamas Women’s...
A note from Executive Director Melissa Erlbaum In recent weeks, on stages both public and private, a remarkable number of...
Senate Bill 1562-16 has moved out of Committee and will move on for a vote on the Senate floor tomorrow (we...